Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to: Fix Your Streaky Self-Tanner

Dilemma: You've finally given up tanning in the sun because you realize how bad the sun really is for your skin (You go, Glenn Coco.) But, your recent commitment to an at-home self-tanner has left you with an uneven color full of streaks and lines.

Lucky you, I've found the solution!

To remove an uneven tan, simply mix two Tablespoons of lemon juice, and two Tablespoons of baking soda together in a glass dish or bowl. Bring the concoction into your shower, apply for two minutes, and rinse. This mix should still maintain color, while removing any uneven areas. Now you should still be "sunned", and not so Snooki.

What are your solutions to fixing a tan gone wrong?


Monday, June 16, 2014

So Fresh, and So Clean.

Often times I hear from clients, friends, and family that they cannot understand why they continue breaking out after incessant cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, spot treating, peeling, extracting, dermaplaning... are you tired yet? Could it be so simple that the very reason you continue breaking out is <gasp!> YOUR MAKEUP BRUSHES!!?!

Sad, but true, your makeup brushes harbor much bacteria and need consistent cleansing, much like your skin. It is recommended that you actually clean your brushes once a week- which is a stat that most are unaware of. There are several great cleansers to use, but this past weekend I used something more natural that was highly effective. Have you heard the term "like attract like"? Or "oil attract oil"? I got back down to the basics and used a combination of olive oil and coconut oil (either/or should be sufficient) and simple antibacterial soap. My results were glorious. 

I laid out all of my dirty brushes (eew!). I applied a combination of olive oil and coconut oil (mixed on a plate) to the dry brush hairs. After rotating the brush heads a few times around the plate, my makeup was instantly attracted to the oil in the brushes. I rinsed with water and repeated the process once more. 

After rinsing each brush with the oil solution, I applied some antibacterial soap to my hand. Swirling the brush around for a third time and doing one final rinse. 

You guys,.... EVERYTHING came out. 

I highly recommend using this solution to you as it is effective, will moisturize your brushes while cleansing them, and wont break your bank. What are your favorite brush cleaners? Gimme the dirt.


<Currently listening to: Flume- Drop The Game.>