Thursday, May 28, 2015

May: Melanoma Awareness Month!

Melanoma Awareness Month

Donut…. Let me catch you doing this!

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again- stop tanning. Please? With the month of May being Melanoma Awareness Month, being a skin care therapist, and soon-to-be nurse I feel a responsibility to remind you that sun exposure is the number one cause of premature aging, and most importantly, skin cancer.

Regular skin checks (approximately every six months), wearing protective clothing and spf, and avoiding UV exposure is so important- especially in sunnier climates, like Arizona. With one of the highest rankings for skin cancer in the world, it is crucial to be on top of having your skin examined by your dermatologist. Although skin cancer is terrifying, and dangerous, it is one of the most treatable forms of cancer- when you catch it early. This is not a scare tactic, but rather a means to motivate your duty in being proactive.  

In addition to having your 6 month check-up, keep your self-awareness high by noting changes in your body. What exactly are you looking in terms of warning signs when it comes to Melanoma? Just remember your A,B,C, D, & E’s. Should you notice a mole that may look different, or is even new, take note to the following:

A-     Asymmetry:  A benign (cancer-free mole) will not be asymmetrical. Meaning, if you draw a line straight through the middle, it will look the same on both sides.

B-      Border: A benign mole will have a smooth border. Often times cancerous lesions will have nodule-like borders that are raised and/or bumpy.

C-      Color: Is your mole the same color all the way through? Most benign moles have the same color throughout (a shade of light brown). Cancerous markings are often multi-colored and even sometimes black.

D-     Diameter: If  your mole is larger than the tip of a pencil eraser, it may be cause for concern. Often times the larger the mole, the more dangerous it is.

E-      Evolution: Is your mole changing in size, and or color? Is it growing? Non-cancerous lesions usually stay the same size and are not noticeably larger in size as time passes. 

Although Arizona is one of the most risky states to reside when it comes to skin cancer, it is also one of the best places to find quality physicians that know what to look for, and how to treat you successfully- a few recommendations are listed below. Committing to your skin is a further commitment to your health! Take care of your body, and it will take care of you. Questions? Comments? Please list them below- I’m happy to help!

Provider Recommendations:

Linder Dermatology & Skin Cancer Surgery Center:  Jennifer Linder, M.D., PLLC and Cynthia Price, M.D., FAAD, PAAD

Skin & Cancer Center of Arizona: Annie C. Sullivan, MMS, PA-C

Camelback Dermatology & Skin Surgery: Kristine A. Romine, M.D.

Ahwatukee Skin & Laser: Sarah Neumann, MMS-PA-C

Be well,


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

Spoiler alert! On this week’s upcoming episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s, Kylie Jenner will finally confirm her highly-speculated lip injections. I, for one, have two things to say: 1) Duh. 2) More power to her! Finally, we can put an end to this teenage suction cup madness. <If you don’t know what I’m talking about google “Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge”- it’s ridiculous and extremely unsafe>. While I do not necessarily think it is age appropriate for someone 17 years old to get lip injections, I do think it is her prerogative.

So I’ll go ahead and ask the controversial question now, “If you don’t like something about yourself, why not change it?”. Not everyone is blessed with the features they desire and deem as beautiful (since beauty is subjective, after all.) Some people even suffer low self-esteem issues as a result. For me personally, someone having lip injections, getting a nose job, or having breast implants is really no different than someone dyeing their hair, getting eyelash extensions, a spray tan, or wearing acrylic nails. Fake is fake, is fake. Aesthetic medicine has evolved in many ways, and it is not quite as taboo as it once was. With an experienced practitioner whom is well trained and specialized, hundreds of options are now available to us and should be investigated further if it is of personal interest.

All of this being said, cosmetic enhancements and aesthetic treatments are better in moderation (in my opinion.) The greatest aesthetic treatment is the one you’re not sure happened. <Did she get botox or is she well rested?> Great physicians and nurses know how and where you may need enhancement and can tackle problem areas with a natural approach. When Kylie first got lip injections, it was about this time last year when pictures surfaced of her after attending the Coachella Music festival. At that time, her lips were slightly filled and appeared even larger with the help of over-drawing her natural lip border with a lip liner. As time as progressed, she has gradually added more and now <questionably> looks slightly “over-filled”.

Pictured: The evolution of Kylie’s Lips:

Kylie: Before Lip Injections

This side by side clearly demonstrates her added volume.

Kylie: After Lip Injections (This is her ideal level of correction, in my opinion)
Kylie: After Lip Injections (Slightly over corrected, in my opinion)
Are you interested in possibly receiving lip injections? I’ll answer some commonly asked questions that might help you to make the decision that is right for you.

1.)    What are lip injections? A hyaluronic acid (this is a naturally occurring acid found in our bodies) gel particle is injected into the lips with a needle. This unique gel particle can help to create lift and structure, while also building volume. Since this is an injection there are comfort measures like numbing agents, that can easily be applied before your treatment.

2.)    How many syringes will I need to purchase? Everyone’s anatomy is different, and what your lips may be able to hold without looking overfilled may be very different than someone else. Average amount that I typically see is usually around 1-1.5 syringes. Note however, that some fillers are on-label to use as many as 3 syringes in one lip to be fully-corrected. Each patient is different. Your practitioner should be able to give you an estimate before your procedure. Also keep in mind that you can start out small, and add more later if you desire to do so.

3.)    How much do lip injections cost? Typically syringes range anywhere from $400-$600 each/1ML. (Prices are different amongst different demographics). Seems pricey, right? Before you go looking for a bargain, I will beg you to PLEASE steer clear from spas that offer anything drastically lower than this price point. Often times you can find a “deal” or groupon and I would highly advise against doing this. This is not to say that every spa/practice being offered on groupon or living social is not legitimate, but you should be aware of the reasons why they might be able to offer a lower price point. It is not unusual that in those practices you may have a very inexperienced injector that can actually cause you harm if you are treated incorrectly. Another reason you could be getting such a “deal” is because the spa/practice could be importing product from a foreign country for a cheaper purchasing price. Importing is not safe, and it is illegal. Imported product is sometimes fake, expired, and/or diluted. Not to mention, there is no telling where the product may be prepared and/or packaged- think bathtubs. I'm serious. If someone is willing to take that type of risk on their patients to save a buck, they do not have your health or best interest at heart. Cosmetic treatments can unfortunately be expensive and an investment, but with that comes guaranteed authentic product, safe technique, and your desired outcome.  

4.)    How often do I need to be injected? Lip fillers have an on-label guarantee of a 6-month duration. Again, everyone is different and some people metabolize product faster than others- give or take a few months.

5.)    How much down time will I need if I get lip injections? Complete swelling reduction usually resides within a week. I would advise to be injected on a day that you will be able to have some downtime for at least 2-3 days post-injection. With regular intervals of icing, and taking arnica prior to a treatment (natural supplement for inflammation found at health food stores) you can greatly reduce your down time. You can also slightly camouflage swollen lips with concealer and nude lip colors.  

6.)    What if I don’t like my lip injections? Does this mean I’m stuck with them for 6 months? No! Filler is fortunately a treatment that can be easily reversed almost immediately. But go the right injector, and I guarantee you won’t be reversing the treatment because you’ll love it so much!

7.)    Where do I go? I would go to someone that is a well-known and experienced practitioner in your area. You can check websites like for specific rankings on physicians. Often times highly ranked physicians also have experienced nurse injectors that will take care of you with an equal level of quality. Another option is asking your friends/family where they go, as I think referrals are always good. You can also come and see us at Hobgood Facial Plastic Surgery, we would love to have you! <Info provided below>.   

I hope this was informative as I know it is a lot of information to absorb! If you have any other questions, please feel free to comment, or message me as I am happy to help you. Aesthetic treatment options don’t have to be scary, ridiculous, or obvious. Above all else, remember that they are your right! Whether you choose to divulge your information like Kylie did or not is completely up to you, and your procedures and treatments are completely protected by law (HIPPA).  Be true to you and the things you do. The enhancements you desire are yours for the taking- and that’s a beautiful thing.  

Visit us, or call for appointments at:
Hobgood Facial Plastic Surgery
Scottsdale, AZ

Be well,
