Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spring Cleaning for the Skinny Soul.

Springtime is easily one of my most favorite seasons. Not only is the sun always shining, and outdoor living is in full effect- it’s a time of rebirth. A time to hit the reset button. Stress, toxins, and energy held in the body will come out of the pores and eventually show on the skin’s surface. Adjusting the Feng Shui of your home will allow you to redirect the energy, and allow a new flow of goodness. Heal your heart, heal your mind, and your skin will thank you. Remember to be true to yourself, and that not all things are meant for you. Everything is a learning experience, and we can only do the best we can, with the information that we have at hand. I was in need of a deep cleansing, and nabbed a fabulous recipe from pinterest. This stove top potpourri was just what I needed to set the mood for a deep home cleaning. I channeled my inner Domesticated Goddess, cranked up my tunes, and scrubbed every surface. My stress level was at a pretty high level because of nursing school, and some other personal circumstances. I can honestly say that I feel completely refreshed, and my home smells like Williams Sonoma. Cheers to you, your health, a rebirth, and glowing skin. 
xo- Annabelle 

Stove Top Potpourri:
Fill a large pot 2/3 full with water
1-2 sliced lemons
1 package of store bought (or a few wild strands) of Rosemary
2-3 tps of Vanilla Extract  
Bring to a boil and let simmer all day long. You can add water as necessary and continue to use for up to 2 days.

Additional Cleansing Tips:

1.) Move around your furniture
2.) Take time for hydrotherapy; whether that be a spa day, steam room, or hot tub. Sweating is one of the truest forms of cleansing.
3.) Do Yoga. Reset your chakras, your energy, your mind.
4.) Eat Fresh. Your vitamins in, will show as a direct reflection of what comes out (on your face).
5.) Smile. Do everything with love, and you’ll feel a shift in your mind, heart, and soul.

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